Our students are working hard on math with our Kids First tutors! We are looking forward to watching the math growth this year because of this new partnership!
A few pictures from high school today!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Grades 7-10 will be taking their first ATLAS Interim assessments tomorrow, Wednesday, October 30th. These will include math, literacy, and science. These interim assessments are designed to gauge our students' progress toward this year's grade level standards. It provides the students with exposure to both content and structure of the assessment they will take in the Spring . It is very important that students get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast, and get to school on time. Grades 3-6 will not take their interims until next week.
Congratulations to Kandi Campbell for placing first and to Clara Bradley for placing second in our College Banner Contest for the American College Application Campaign Kick-Off. Students had to pick a college of their choice and research whether it offered the degree they desired and the scholarship opportunities offered at that institution.
Mrs. Enns has a few "grumpy old men" in her class today:)
We kicked off our Red Ribbon week with an assembly with Michael Kelly. He used well-known musician impressions to share the message of the importance of being drug and alcohol free. We had a very special visit by Shrek thanks to Wraithe Johnson!!
Starting Monday November 4th, we will make the following changes to the after-school transportation. Instead of going to everyone's residence, we will have drop off areas.
After-School Transportation:
Fairfield Bay Route:
On Golden Pond 5:35
Reeves Grocery 5:40
FFB Fire department in trailer park 5:43
Methodist Church 5:50
Parking lot across from conference center 5:55
Hwy 110 Route:
Lucas Farms 5:35
End of Lute Mt. 5:43
End of Half Moon 5:55
Shady Grove Church 6:05
Please be a little earlier to each of these stops and make sure that the bus driver can see you. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Miss Moore took the elementary G/T students to arch ford for a chess workshop recently. The students got to test their skill against students from different schools to practice for the actual tournament which will take place in the spring.
This is just a reminder that the after-school program will not provide transportation home tomorrow.
Red Ribbon Week is here-October 28-November 1. This is the week we celebrate being drug free! Students also learn about the harmful effects of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. In addition, we always have fun with the dress up days to help kids remember important slogans.
Evelyn Cantu was our very first student that got to choose a book from our new book vending machine. Evelyn is a great student and we are very proud of her. Way to go Evelyn!!!
Senior Parents!!!! Just a reminder that senior ads for the yearbook are due by November 1!
Report cards are being mailed home today.
Thank you again to all of our sponsors for the 2024 Fall Festival.!
ALERT—Bus number 4, Mr. Mannon's route (Lute Mtn and Porter Rd), will be running about 15 minutes late this morning.
2024 Shirley Fall Festival elementary court
2024 Shirley Fall Festival elementary court
2024 Shirley Fall Festival High School court.
All of the Fall Festival royalty court looked great! Congratulations to the Senior class and the Kindergarten class for selling the most raffle tickets and being crowned the 2024 Fall Festival kings and queens!
Senior representatives were Ricky Cooper and Kandi Campbell. Casen Turner and Aspen Bradford represented the kindergarten class. Congratulations!
Another great Shirley Fall Festival on Friday afternoon! We had a big turnout for both the Fall Festival and the Blue and White game.